VBA award [expired]

sesuai judulnya, gue dapet award, tapi itu udah expired. 
tapi mau ga mau gue ttp dapet ntu award walau sudah usang :'3 (?)

liat tanggal dan taun nya :'''') potek kali la hati ne. sama kayak post sebelumnya. duh gue nyeseeeeeel ga pernah nge cekin cbox gue TT^TT tapi makasih buat mereka temen2 deket guee yang udh me-nominate-gue untuk dapetin VBA award.

langsung aja deh.

big thanks to ; Arisa-nyann dan Puru-chann atas awardnya. love you girlssss :*


If you are nominated, you've been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.
1. Thank the person who gave you this award.✔ 

2. Include a link to their blog.✔ 

3. Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you've recently discovered or follow regularly. ( I would add, pick blog or bloggers that are excellent! ) Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Bloggers Award -- You might include a link to this site. 

4. Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

7 things about myself:
  1. have many nicknames ; qisti, qiichan, qiqis, kisut, kisa, kisachi, ney (yg ini khusus hun nya yg manggil)
  2. sure i'm an otaku. 
  3. fangirling-fanatic with cool guy *duakk* 
  4. loves romance and drawing
  5. a moderator of top 10 guild, Yosimura (Touch Online Game). what? a gamer girl? why not~
  6. a cheer girl without bad-childish personality inside.
  7. really dislike a childish guy dan 'orang baper' wkwkkkk!

untuk no.3 gue gabisa lakuin, soalnya ini awardnya udah usang :'3 jadi cuma sekedar answer the rules ajaa. sorry yaa :"

1 comment:

sayap said...

nomer tujuh ahaha :D